In the case of the market share distributions:
For rightsholders who are not members of CMRRA or SODRAC, CSI will pay the current rightsholders of the publishing catalogues in question.
For rightsholders who are members of either CMRRA or SODRAC, CSI will pay each collective the total share of the funds allocated to the rightsholders they represent. In turn, CMRRA and SODRAC will each distribute those funds to their respective members and clients as follows:
- CMRRA will pay the current rightsholders of the publishing catalogues in question;
- SODRAC will distribute the funds on a “work by work” basis, according to the documentation on file that originally served to effect the distribution of the major record companies’ royalty reports dating from January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2010.
In the case of claims made to Medium and High Value Items:
CSI, along with CMRRA and SODRAC, will pay the current rightsholders of the musical works in question.